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Cost and

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How much are our Assessments?

ADHD Testing

Diagnostic Assessment Cost 🩺


Comprehensive ADHD Assessment Package: $1800

Psychological Functional Capacity Assessment

Diagnostic Assessment Cost 🩺


Comprehensive P-FCA Assessment Package: $1800

PTSD Testing

Diagnostic Assessment Cost 🩺


Comprehensive Stress Assessment Package: $1800


Inquire about an assessment today🩺


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Payment Options

Exploring funding options is a crucial aspect for adults seeking a diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Many individuals turn to health insurance plans, which may cover a portion of the diagnostic process and treatment programs.

Private Funding

One viable option (and unfortunately typically the only option) is for those seeking a diagnosis is to consider private payment for their assessment.

Opting for a private assessment often leads to a quicker and more personalised diagnostic process, allowing individuals to bypass lengthy waiting lists and receive comprehensive, focused attention from healthcare professionals. While this route requires out-of-pocket expenses, it offers the advantage of flexibility and expedited access to the necessary evaluations and subsequent treatment plans.

For many, investing in a private assessment is a valuable step towards gaining clarity and control over their health and well-being.

Rebates & Private Heath

Private Health Rebates: Some private health providers may provide rebates for psychological assessments – please enquire with your personal health fund.

NDIS Funding: For those who are self-managed or plan-managed (National Disabilities Insurance Scheme) NDIS clients – please check with your support coordinator or plan manager regarding utilising your NDIS funds for psychological assessment.

More information can be found on the NDIS Website.

Does Medicare offer help with Assessments?

In Australia, Medicare provides coverage for various psychological services under the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and General Practitioners through the MBS (Medicare Benefits Schedule).

However, it's important to note that Medicare typically does not cover the costs of psychometric testing and assessments directly. Instead, it provides rebates for psychological therapy and counselling services provided by eligible mental health professionals.

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Psychological Assessment

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