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Psychological ADHD Assessments

One of the most important tools for diagnosing ADHD is psychological testing, which involves a comprehensive evaluation of a person’s cognitive, behavioural, and emotional functioning.

The Best Life Society offer assessments to children and adults to explore their experiences and whether they are concordant with a diagnosis of ADHD or better explained by other factors.

ADHD Assessment

Do you experience some of the following:

  • Zoning out
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Too many tabs open in your head
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Feelings of laziness
  • Symptoms affecting your relationships

Not everyone who is overly hyperactive, inattentive, or impulsive has an attention deficit disorder as most people sometimes blurt out things they didn't mean to say, bounce from one task to another, or become disorganised and forgetful.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting more than 1 million people in Australian. ADHD can impact all aspects of a person’s life, including work, school, and relationships.

While it is a lifelong condition, receiving a diagnosis and ongoing treatment can help people improve their quality of life.

The Best Life Society offer assessments for children and adults who are seeking to explore their experiences and whether they are consistent with a diagnosis of ADHD or better explained by other factors. All assessments are evidence-based, trauma-informed, strengths-based, neuro-diversity affirming, collaborative and validating for clients.

Assessments will be conducted by a Registered Psychologist, as well as a

Registered Clinical Counsellor.

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined as a neuro-developmental disorder which impacts the brains executive functions. These executive functions are what help us with things like impulse-control, focusing attention, staying organised, as well as planning and completing tasks.

There are 3 different types of ADHD presentations that are defined when receiving a diagnosis.

(1) Combined Presentation where a person meets criteria for both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity,

(2) Predominantly inattentive presentation, and

(3) Predominantly hyperactive / impulsive presentation.

Its important to note that research has shown that ADHD traits/experiences can present differently over time. So, in childhood a person might meet criteria for the combined presentation, however in adulthood may only meet criteria for inattentive traits.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

The essential features of ADHD as outlined by the DSM-5-TR for diagnosis is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.

Inattention may look like wandering off task, failing to follow through on instructions, having difficulty sustaining focus, seeming disorganised, losing or misplacing things, and/or forgetting important things.

Hyperactivity may look like excessive motor activity, extreme restlessness or excessive fidgeting, tapping, or talkativeness.

Impulsivity refers to hasty actions that occur in the moment. This may look like interrupting others or struggling to wait for ones turn, making risky choices and/or as making important decisions without consideration of long-term consequences.

To diagnose ADHD, Best Life will gather a detailed account of your experiences with inattention/hyperactivity-impulsivity and evaluate how they have impacted your life. This is done through structured clinical interviews and rating scales. Additional assessment tools may also be used, but only after discussing it with you.

Reasons for Assessment?

There are many different reasons that people might want to engage in an assessment. At the Life Society, we believe that not only can assessment provide a tailored support plan for your specific needs, but this can also provide some clarity as to why symptoms may be manifesting. It’s important to note that this doesn’t guarantee a result.

There’s so much information available from so many different sources, that it’s hard to know it if’s a good idea to engage in assessment.

The following might be some reasons you might consider having an assessment completed with the Life Society. We have some specific assessments, that we are more specialised in to give you more clarity and support.

More specifically Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect individuals across the lifespan. Some reasons to further explore your assessment might include (this list is not completely exhaustive):

Difficulties with:

• Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities.

• Frequently making careless mistakes in school or other activities due to lack of attention.

• Forgetfulness in daily activities.

• Fidgeting or tapping hands and feet.

• Difficulty remaining seated in situations where it is expected.

• Impulsivity leading to difficulties in waiting for one's turn or interrupting others.

Academic and Occupational Challenges:

  • Consistent difficulties in beginning or maintaining tasks
  • Consistent difficulties in work performance

Social Difficulties:

  • Interrupting others
  • Difficultly with turn taking
  • Difficulty maintaining conversation

Family History:

  • History of above symptoms or diagnosis on your mothers or fathers side
  • Difficulties with reactive emotions or difficulties regulating emotions

Executive Functioning Challenges:

  • Difficulties with remembering tasks
  • Difficulty following through on instructions
  • Organisational difficulties

How is the

Assessment Conducted?

ADHD assessments occur across a minimum of 4 appointments:

1. Initial Appointment

2. Assessment Session X 2

3. Feedback Session

These appointments can be completed in person at the The Best Life Society Wollongong or Shoalhaven office, or online via telehealth depending on suitability.

How much does

it Cost?

$1800 for Standard Assessments which includes all appointments, online assessment forms, diagnostic interview, written report and recommendations.

$2,500 for Complex Assessments which includes additional appointments, assessment materials, written report and recommendations.

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How do Assessments help?

Some individuals focus on seeking an assessment through a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist, in order to access medication to help with difficulties they might be experiencing.

Others choose to do an assessment with a Psychologist, as their goal is less oriented to trialling medication and more towards doing a comprehensive assessment of their brain and behaviour and wanting to trial non-pharmacological approaches to managing experiences of ADHD.

Both pathways are valid, and an individual who completes an assessment with a Psychologist can still make an appointment with a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist to access medication.

Assessments are not only for the official diagnosis.

Often people report that getting an assessment helps with their self-esteem and in fostering self-compassion, as they get a better understanding of why they have struggled with certain areas of their life.

Remembering that not everyone who gets assessed will be diagnosed with ADHD, and this is ok, we can still help.

The assessment will offer insights into who you are and how you look at the world. What we find will help us to guide you on the next steps towards helping with your presenting concerns.

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